Corporate Best Practices: Reflections From the 2019 Corporate Workshop and 2019 Symposium
Our Impact
Powered by our donors, The AWP Network and our five community branches work to improve the quality of life of the veteran community before a crisis occurs. Here is where we share about those we've impacted.
Network Success: John
Connectedness Matters in Las Vegas, NV
Network Success: Susan
Network Success: Roberts
Network Success: Peter
Affiliate Highlight: The Warrior Alliance
Network Success: Mr. Collier
The Self-Assessment as a Mindfulness Tool
AWP Seeks Consultation From Georgetown University’s Senior Associate Dean, Brooks Holtom
Corporate Veteran Initiative Sponsors the Value of a Veteran Conference
Service Takes Many Forms
Affiliate Highlight: 90Works-Panhandle Warrior Partnership
Affiliate Highlight: Upstate Warrior Solution
Affiliate Highlight: Veterans One-Stop Center of Western New York
Why Did We Create CVI?
Affiliate Highlight: Veterans One-stop Center of Western New York
Affiliate Highlight: Tierney Center for Veteran Services at Goodwill OC
Collaboration with Upstate Warrior Solution