In times of crisis, it is often difficult to know where to look to move forward. This was particularly relevant in the case of David Selland, an Army veteran (1970-72) who reached out to Panhandle Warrior Partnership (PWP) for assistance with finding housing. David informed PWP Case Coordinator Kenneth Thompson that he very recently learned he would soon be evicted due to his housing complex closing. Being thrown this unpredicted curve ball David was unsure where to look, but PWP immediately got to work.
Kenneth contacted the VA’s Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program with David to connect him with the SSVF housing screener. SSVF and Kenneth reviewed all
housing options for David to find the best situation that fit his needs. Through the support provided by PWP, David found out he was eligible for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program. Kenneth checked in with David weekly to provide him with more resources and answer any questions he had in the weeks leading up to his move-in. Only two months after he received his voucher, David was able to move into his HUD-VASH housing. David thanked Kenneth for all the help and follow-through of services that PWP was able to provide him with.
“If it wasn’t for PWP and the SSVF screener pointing me in the right direction and following through, I don’t know where I would be” -David Selland, Army Veteran
Seeing stories like David’s come together with a happy outcome always makes PWP’s work worth it. The Panhandle is stronger when our veterans are stronger. Connect with PWP to learn more about how you can give back to the Panhandle veteran community by visiting our website and completing an online form: https://www.panhandlewarriorpartnership.org