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Veterans Day 2023: Converting Gratitude into Holistic Support

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

On this Veterans Day, America's Warrior Partnership (AWP) invites you to join us in a mission that goes beyond mere words of gratitude to words of belonging. It's time to not just thank a veteran, but welcome veterans into our communities as leaders, as colleagues, and as volunteers. Here are a few ways to support our nation’s heroes this Veterans Day by turning sincere gratitude into welcomeness all year long.

Connect Veterans to Resources

Krystal Garcia, Operation Deep Dive™ Program Specialist

One of the most impactful ways to support veterans is by helping them access the resources they’ve earned. There are more than 40,000 veteran-serving organizations across the country, and there is not a road map on how to navigate them all. AWP specializes in helping veterans navigate local and national resources through The AWP Network. By spreading the word and telling others about the AWP Network, you are a crucial link in the support chain. A current resource that needs to be amplified is the VA’s expansion of benefits through the PACT Act. Veterans may be eligible for VA health care and disability through this new law.

Support Veterans in Your Community

Jim Lorraine, AWP President & CEO

Simple acts of kindness can have a profound impact. Offer to help a veteran neighbor with household tasks, provide a meal, or lend a listening ear. These gestures, though small, can make a significant difference in a veteran's day. Call a friend who you know served in the military and invite them to participate in a community event, have coffee, or go for a walk/run. Support veteran-owned businesses within your state and advocate for veteran employment initiatives such as the US Department of Labor HIRE Vets Medallion program. Veterans are a crucial part of the economy as successful entrepreneurs and corporate leaders.

Get Involved as a Volunteer

Roy Dobbins, Permian Warrior Partnership Program Lead

Find volunteer opportunities in your area at the VA Voluntary Service Office, including driving/escorting veterans to their medical appointments, participating in recreational activities, and Homeless Stand Downs. A great organization that seeks to support veterans transitioning into communities is Onward Ops. Volunteers can train as sponsors and welcome a transitioning service member back home providing mentorship and connections to resources. The program ensures that the service member and their family get ahead of the potential stresses by facilitating support with services well before the official transition assistance programs begin. Consider registering as a sponsor today with Onward Ops.

Together, We Can Do Better

William Galinat, AWP Salesforce Administrator

AWP is honored to serve veterans 365 days a year. Since 2014, AWP’s Community Integration program has served 60,873 unique warriors, providing an estimated economic impact of $304,456,759. Our research initiative that aims to prevent former service member suicide, Operation Deep Dive™, is in phase two of its study with Duke University. The AWP Network receives requests from more than 200 veterans a month related to finding a job, preventing homelessness, and filing benefits claims. Last year, through our programs and partners, more than 7,000 veterans were connected to critical resources to prevent crisis situations that can lead to hopelessness and suicide. Our life-changing work is made possible thanks to the power of our donors. Make a one-time or monthly donation today to help one veteran and further our mission to partner with communities to prevent veteran suicide because together, we can do better.

 No matter how you choose to honor Veterans Day, let's move beyond gratitude and into welcomeness. 1% wear the uniform, but 100% can support them. Support those who've selflessly served our nation by connecting veterans with resources, supporting veterans locally, volunteering, and donating. Together, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of veterans – beyond 1 day of the year.


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